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Portfolio Management

Track your assets in a digital register

Organise, evaluate, and optimise IT and business assets to align with strategic goals and maximise value.

An application portfolio
Fast Simple Secure

Visual Asset Register

Colloquial’s Portfolio Management solution provides a simple, intuitive and collaborative platform to collect, maintain and manage data about your assets.

Portfolio Management can track any assets allow for faster decision making and clear accountabilities.

  • Create or customise a reference architecture
  • Capture your business capabilities, applications and/or technologies
  • Identify key facts and assess your portfolio

What is Portfolio Management?

Portfolio Management is the practice of effectively managing all the assets within your organisation.

It's your compass for understanding the roles, costs, values, and risks associated with each asset.

An efficiently managed portfolio can lead to reduced costs, enhanced collaboration, and streamlined IT operations.

Why do it?

Benefits of Portfolio Management

  • Gain a clear view and control of your landscape
  • Streamline and standardise your apps or other assets
  • Save on IT run costs and IT outsourcing
  • Reduce security, compliance, and regulatory risks
  • Align to business goals and respond to changing business needs

The basics of Portfolio Management

What type of Fact Cards or entities are available?

Many of our customers kick off with an inventory of their current Apps and related Stakeholders.

Some prefer to start in the Capability and Process space.

You’re in the driver’s seat. Turn on the Fact Card types you need when you’re ready.

There’s no need to worry about extra costs - we don’t charge any extra.

Supported entities in Colloquial

What kind of Facts can be collected?

Collect facts using our library of templates, or build your own:

  • Single-choice from a pick list of options, such as the Identity Security used on Apps
  • Multi-step/surveys use questions to calculate an overall score, like the Technical Fitness of an App
  • Roles define a Stakeholder relationship to Fact Cards, like a Business Owner, Support Partner, or Data Protection Officer
  • Text, Numeric, Currency or Dates to track key text, numbers, finance or dates such as contract expiry
  • Links capture the source of important documents and websites like a Solution Design or Operating Procedure
Example assessments

How can I sort Fact Cards?

Fact Card Groups are used to organise and visualise each type of Fact Card. Colloquial comes with best-practice reference architecture based on TBM, TOGAF and APQC frameworks to get you started.

Tags can be used across all Fact Card types. You might want to focus on all Fact Cards related to a particular project, regulation, or line of business.

Drag and drop categorisation example

How do Fact Cards stay trusted?

Trust periods are part of the data policy that is set on each fact template. You control the scope, priority and how frequently that piece of knowledge needs to be reviewed to be considered trusted.

Updating facts is a breeze with integration to collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams and Slack. Fact checks can be requested and updated directly in a Teams chat.

Data quality card

Architecture at the speed of digital.

Start simple, finish strong, with Colloquial's easy to use interface and rapid library based implementation using next-gen architecture thinking.